ATEE Spring Conference 2013
Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality education for quality teaching”. The conference will be hosted by the University of Latvia – Riga May 10th-12th, 2013
Dear All,
We are happy to invite you at the ATEE Spring Conference 2013 which overaching theme will be “Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality education for quality teaching”.
This year the conference discussions will focus on the following issues:
Over the past two decades and even longer, the countries have been trying to build standards – based accountability as a means of foundation for a higher–achieving education system.
In practice, however, we have created several experiences with certain domains: a test–based accountability, internal and external evaluation of the achievements etc.
There also appears a function of control instead of facilitating the students and school learner’s self–regulated learning, context knowledge and understanding, the higher–order thinking, problem solving, and creativity needed for teachers to succeed in the 21st century.
The organizing and academic committees of the Spring Conference 2013 will highly appreciate the participants’ attempts to consider the quality of tertiary teacher education and teaching–learning in schools affected by constant changes.
Pedagogy, coupled with practices of accountability and evaluation, new paradigms following changes in learning sciences, as well as in the communication technologies, digitally–based tutoring that inform teaching and learning, from time to time are still narrowing creativity and flexibility in teaching and learning, implementation of productive findings do not always lead to the students and school learners’ success. Why?
How tertiary teacher education can obtain a stronger educative function, become more personalized and invite teachers to be constantly aware of the quality teaching while catching up with the on-going changes in our social life and education as well?
How educators, teachers and researchers can create a dynamic pedagogy, a multifaceted approach to teaching and learning in order to integrate teaching, learning, assessment leading to teachers’ flexibility, creativity and innovative practices that meet the high standards of the 21st century education?
What are successful practices to share and how teacher education can meet the need for change in the capacity of the tertiary educational process and teachers’ life–long professional development?
Closing date for submission of papers is February 15, 2013
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail as a word file to
Contacts: Sanita Baranova
More information at: